At Cognisense, we take great care when handling all personal and survey data, and are required to do so by law. We take appropriate technological and organisational measures to protect the personal information submitted to us, both during data collection/transmission and once we receive it. Our security procedures are consistent with generally accepted commercial standards used to protect personal information. 

All our employees are contractually obliged to follow our policies and procedures regarding confidentiality, security and privacy. 

At Cognisense we are committed to protecting your privacy. We will never share, lend or sell your personal details to third parties. Only authorised personnel will have access to your details, and only in accordance with their roles and our business practices.

We use industry-leading encryption technology to ensure that your personal details are handled securely. 

Cognisense uses a survey tool, NField, which is owned by Niposoft Ltd, a software house specialising in the delivery and management of surveys. Any information you provide will be uploaded to Nfield's secure server for analysis handled in accordance with UK Data Protection Legislation. 

Participation in our surveys is always anonymous. Results from surveys and research discussions are not linked to the individual identity of respondents without the informed consent of those respondents. We will never allow your personal data to be used for any purpose other than genuine market research and only ever in aggregated form to protect your personal privacy.

For more information on Cognisense GDPR policy please click here.